Our Members

Abigail's Headshot
Central California Leadership Corps
Morgan Prinz is standing in the center of the frame, facing the camera and smiling. Behind her is tree foliage and a setting sun.
San Francisco
Shreyas Raj is standing in the center of the frame, facing the camera and smiling. Behind him is the ocean with an overcast sky..
San Francisco
Jeel Ray photo
Northeast Pennsylvania
Rooha Smiling
Freya Rolfs
Jonathan Saju smiling
Nivedha stands in the middle of the frame, facing the camera and smiling. She is wearing a white dress and a graduation stole reading "Nivedha Satheeshkumar" and "Psychological Science, B.S.". Behind her is a field of grass and flowers.
San Francisco
Elizabeth Schachte
Bryyn photo at graduation
Northeast Pennsylvania