Serving with NHC is life changing, both for you and the people you serve. After serving with NHC, many members have gone on to dedicate their lives to careers in medicine, public health, and social services. Following their NHC experiences, members have:
- Attended medical school
- Attended graduate school in social work or public health
- Worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Served with other national and international service programs
- Became health and science educators
- Worked in state and local health departments
- Worked in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) or public health nonprofits.
NHC’s alumni network includes leaders around the world! Our members go on to become important contributors in the fields of medicine, public health, social services, and more.
Alumni Grants Program
NHC's Alumni Grants Program offers up to $500 for NHC alumni to further NHC's mission by completing projects related to professional development, service activities, or development of new initiatives. Click here to access an overview of the Grants Program and the application.