We are currently recruiting new host sites and interested members! For more information, contact Erin Addington at eaddington@nefhsc.org or apply at my.nationalhealthcorps.org.

Why Serve Florida?
Florida’s diverse population allows NHC members to be involved with different aspects of public health and see the effects of improved healthcare access on Northeast Florida. Members may provide healthcare and social services that support military families, individuals experiencing homelessness, legal refugee populations, people with substance use disorders, people with HIV or AIDS, and youth from various backgrounds. Members may serve at any of Northeast Florida's five major hospitals or a variety of essential community organizations, build relationships with key community partners, and develop new programs to address community needs.
Northeast Florida’s unique geographical makeup and great weather allows members to have the opportunity to spend time outdoors near the beautiful Atlantic Ocean beaches, kayaking the St. Johns River, and take day trips to hike in Florida’s various nature preserves. Jacksonville, Florida is also a driving distance to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, as well as Miami for weekend excursions. NHC Florida is one of NHC's most affordable operating locations, and program staff makes it a priority to ensure members are supported during their stay in the Sunshine State.