Building Healthier Communities: From Malawi to Chicago

Posted on: March 15, 2016Chicago

Believe it or not, this isn't my first rodeo. Before coming to Chicago to serve in the National Health Corps, I was on the opposite side of the world in the small country of Malawi serving as a Peace Corps volunteer.  It was actually my service in Malawi that sparked my interest in the field of public health. Seeing firsthand the devastating effects that diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria had, not just on the health care system, but every facet of life, was both eye opening and concerning.  Coming from an education background, I used my teaching skills to help improve the health of the community I was serving by educating kids on how to stay free of HIV and malaria.

Fast forward to now. I'm in Chicago using those health education skills I acquired during my Peace Corps service and applying them to an entirely new disease: pediatric asthma.  While there are huge differences between Chicago and Malawi, there is one striking similarity between the two.  In the communities that I have served in, the people that I have worked with lack the basic knowledge to keep themselves healthy.  Whether it's practicing safer sex, sleeping under a mosquito net, avoiding asthma triggers, or properly adhering to medication, people all over the world have misconceptions about, or are unaware of, the ways they can keep themselves healthy. 

Through my experiences, I have learned that education is an essential part of public health, which is why I take great pride in my service at the Respiratory Health Association. As an Asthma Educator, I am able to help children living with asthma learn the skills necessary to keep themselves healthy and safe.  Our mission is to help these kids spend less time in the doctor's office or emergency room, and more time in the classroom, where they will learn the skills to become tomorrow's leaders!

This post was written by NHC Chicago member Jake Hojnacki.

Jake serves as an asthma educator at Respiratory Health Association (RHA).