Karla GonzalezBack to Member List

Member Name: Karla Gonzalez
Pronouns: she/her
NHC Program: Central Valley California
Host Site: Livingston Community Health Center
Position Title: Activate Coordinator/Scribe
Where are you from?
I am from Patterson, CA.
Why did you decide to join NHC?
I have previously served with Americorps at my university through a program called CollegeCorps, and was part of the first cohort! I really enjoyed my time in the program and now that I have graduated, I thought NHC would be the perfect opportunity for me to continue with Americorps and continue giving back to my community.
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
I am hoping to see some more professional and personal development during my service term. Hopefully, I’ll be able to gain some more experience in a professional setting and learn more about the healthcare in the central valley and what can be done to help those around us. Giving back to communities, especially those underserved , is one of my biggest goals in life and I am excited to continue my journey in this.
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
I am most looking forward to being able to be a part of the ACTIVATE program at my host site and getting to teach some of the classes offered to the community! I think it’ll be a great opportunity to give back and learn a bit more about this new program at Livingston Community Health Center.