Yasmin ObeidiBack to Member List

Pronouns: She/her
NHC Program: Pittsburgh
Host Site: Birmingham Free Clinic
Position Title: Patient Advocate and Navigator
Where are you from? Houston, TX
Why did you decide to join NHC?
I joined NHC because my values and goals aligned with NHC’s mission and vision to eliminate health disparities and the underlying structural oppression that perpetuates them. I believe that health care is a right and that everyone deserves quality health care. Thus, I wanted to have the opportunity to directly make an impact on medically underserved communities in order to increase their access to health care and provide quality education and resources for their benefit.
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
During my year, I hope to have meaningful interactions with patients where I can learn to actively listen and meet the patients exactly where they are at in their health and life journey. I hope to gain a better understanding of the barriers that patients encounter when it comes to navigating the health care system while learning how to serve and advocate for them and others from underserved communities.
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
I’m most looking forward to all the patient interactions that I will be encountering during my term! I can’t wait to have meaningful interactions with patients, advocate for them, and overall improve their quality of health and life.