Amal SaeedBack to Member List

Pronouns: she/her
Host Site: Family Practice and Counseling Network – Health Annex
Position Title: Senior Patient Advocate
Where are you from? Allentown, PA
Why did you decide to join NHC?
As a hopeful future healthcare provider with experience working with disadvantaged individuals including immigrants and refugees, I wanted to serve with NHC to gain insight on diverse patients’ challenges while directly advocating for and/or addressing their needs. Through this experience, I hope to further develop my understanding of health disparities and social determinants of health to better understand and assist patients as a future provider.
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
I hope to gain awareness of the challenges that patients in Philadelphia face and learn more about community resources that can assist them. I also look forward to further developing my communication skills with clients and team members at my host site.
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
I am excited to getting to know clients and team members at my host site, as well as other NHC members! I am also looking forward to seeing my service’s impact on the local community in Philadelphia.