Wills DunhamBack to Member List

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Educational background: BA in Medicine, Health, and Society with minors in Chemistry and Biological Sciences from Vanderbilt University
MS in Biomedical Sciences from Tufts University School of Medicine
Host Site: St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Family Medicine Residency Program
What is your title and role at your host site? As a Care Coordinator at St. Vincent’s Medical Center, I will primarily be responsible for distributing and interpreting the results of a questionnaire regarding the social determinants of health in a family medicine clinic. We hope to use the results of our survey to identify specific psychosocial risk factors that may be affecting our patients’ medical outcomes or ability to access medical care. We will then advocate for and deliver interventions such as educational programs and social services that will address their specific needs. In addition, I will be providing one-on-one education and social services counseling to patients recently discharged from the hospital, as well as group wellness education for patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program? I joined the NHC Florida AmeriCorps program to help provide medical and public health services to patients in Jacksonville. I have been involved with clinical volunteering and research for years, and I hope to help improve the quality and accessibility of medical care offered to underserved patient populations. I believe the NHC Florida program offers the perfect opportunity to give back to others while gaining valuable experience in a field that I love.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service? During my service term, I hope to make meaningful contributions to the Jacksonville community by helping to provide medical and social services at my host site. In addition, I hope to expand my knowledge of public health, preventative medicine, and primary care. I am excited to have the opportunity to take an active role in implementing public health interventions, and I believe that this experience will help me better direct my career goals and improve my understanding of the medical system as a whole.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service? After my AmeriCorps service term, I hope to attend medical school.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years? I hope to be graduating medical school and entering a residency training program.