Sabrina LeeBack to Member List

Hometown: From San José, Costa Rica. Currently living in Garden City, MI.
Educational background: B.A. in French and Pre-Medicine program - Calvin University
What is your title and role at your host site?
As the Care Coordinator of the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, I will be conducting outreach to women to create awareness about the services and resources that are available through Healthy Start such as case management, breastfeeding education, safe sleep resources, infant care, and parenting classes. I will also be responsible for providing referrals and healthy pregnancy information through one on one education on topics such as parenting support, nutrition, obesity prevention, SIDS reduction, family planning, and community social services These responsibilities contribute to the mission of reducing Florida’s high infant mortality and improving the lives of pregnant women and their families.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program?
I believe that healthcare is a right that we all deserve, however, due to racial and social inequalities present in our society there are many health disparities. After graduating university, I desired to learn more about the root causes of health inequity and serve others in the medical field through volunteering. When I discovered the National Health Corps program, I was amazed that this opportunity allows me to pursue my passion for service and my desire to make an impact in underserved communities, while also gaining a greater understanding on public health and on the health disparities present in our society. I dream of becoming a primary care physician who serves the medically underserved, and this experience will teach me vital skills that I can take with me in my professional career!
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
During my year of service, I hope to develop a deeper and more holistic understanding of population health and health promotion. I wish to become more aware of the health disparities present in our society and learn how to play a part in addressing major public health issues. In addition, some valuable skills I aspire to gain are networking, outreach, and how to effectively empower others to improve their own health.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
After my term of service, I plan to matriculate into medical school and continue to serve others.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I intend to be finishing medical school and preparing to enter a residency program, maybe a primary care residency!