The NHC 2024-2025 member applications are open. Applications are rolling for an August 2024 start. Contact us for more information at nhcpittsburgh@alleghenycounty.us.

Why Serve Pittsburgh?
Allegheny County is home to over 1.2 million residents and to Pittsburgh, the second largest city in Pennsylvania. With 90 unique neighborhoods, Pittsburgh has a rich culture of arts, food, and history. When they’re not serving, members who enjoy the outdoors can explore Frick and Schenley Parks, catch a ball game at PNC Park, or get a view of the city skyline from the top of the Duquesne Incline. Members who are interested in the arts can watch a performance at Benedum Theater, spend time at the Three Rivers Arts Festival in the summer, and visit the Carnegie Museums or the Heinz Historical Center. Plus, with the many neighborhood festivals throughout the year, members have endless opportunities to experience Pittsburgh to its fullest.
Pittsburgh is home to some of the top hospitals in the nation, but there are still barriers to care which have created health disparities for some communities and populations. Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, 16.3% of Allegheny County children have experienced food insecurity in the past year, 23% of adults smoke cigarettes, 9.7% of children have been diagnosed with asthma, and 28% of adults are obese. NHC Pittsburgh fosters a collaboration between members and community partners to meet people where they are, address factors affecting health outcomes, and promote health in communities across the county. Members are exposed to a broad range of sites such as clinics, health department programs, and non-profits that are actively serving the communities in which they are based.