Riana MulliganBack to Member List

Riana Mulligan

I am a second year member!

Pronouns: she/her

Position Title: Health Educator - Lincoln Square and Roosevelt High School

Where are you from? Northern Kentucky and Southeast Iowa

Why did you decide to join NHC?

I was really drawn to NHC's equity-based and community centered approach to public health, in addition to its many opportunities it gives members to learn and grow throughout our service terms. Prior to the start of my first service term, I didn't have much experience in the public health field, but I was excited to learn more, which I have been able to do through serving with NHC.

What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?

I am hoping to continue to learn how I can best empower others in their health journeys through my role as a health educator at community and school-based health centers.

What are you most looking forward to during your service term?

I'm looking forward to collaborating with others at my host site on different projects!