Paige LallyBack to Member List

Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Educational background: Bachelor of Science in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill
What is your title and role at your host site?
I am serving as a Care Coordinator at Starting Point Behavioral Health (SPBH). I will be screening individuals with mental illnesses or substance use disorders at local hospitals for a referral to SPBH. I will also be following up with these individuals to improve patient engagement in behavioral therapy. I will also be facilitating group wellness classes for these individuals that will focus on mental, physical, and emotional wellness.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program?
I joined the NHC so I would be able to first-hand experience the challenges in healthcare that I will likely face as a future physician. This will allow me to learn more about how to tackle health disparities and care for those affected by them. The NHC also allows me to continue my passion for helping others while also gaining real-world experience in the medical field.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
By working with the NHC, I hope to gain a better understanding of health disparities across the medical field. By experiencing the health disparities first hand, I hope to learn how to be an advocate for and care for those affected by public health issues. I also hope to gain exposure to the medical setting and meet others who are also interested in service and medicine!
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
I plan to take another year off before entering medical school. I might continue serving with Americorps, or I may find another job working with individuals with mental health or learning disabilities.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
I hope to be finishing up last year in medical school!