Nate GrossBack to Member List

Hometown: Snellville, GA
Educational background: B.S. in Biochemistry from Warren Wilson College
What is your title and role at your host site?
I will be serving as a care coordinator with Clay Behavioral Health Center where I will be working with clients dealing with mental health and substance abuse disorders. My role involves facilitating one on one wellness visits, facilitating classes on topics such as addiction and stress management, providing health screenings and making referrals to medical providers, and developing and implementing projects for the Opioid Task Force.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program?
While I have enjoyed volunteering regularly throughout my life, I felt volunteering with AmeriCorps was a great way to continue serving during the gap years between college and medical school. Although I considered using my degree to work in a lab during these years, I felt my time would best be spent directly assisting others through the National Health Corps where I could apply my skills gained as a Resident Assistant in college while gaining healthcare experience and exploring my interests within the healthcare field.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
Through this year of service, I hope to gain experience working in a healthcare setting assisting underserved individuals. Once becoming a physician, I plan to regularly volunteer my time assisting patients who could not otherwise afford adequate healthcare so I feel that serving the Jacksonville community through this program is the perfect opportunity to be exposed to the work I hope to someday perform. In addition, I hope to also further develop my skills in both wellness education and leadership as well as further my understanding of the opioid epidemic and substance abuse disorders. Overall, I hope to gain an insight on how to best serve clients from diverse backgrounds as well as how to contribute best to community health.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
After my AmeriCorps service, I plan to take an additional gap year where I will be applying to medical school. During this time, I hope to continue service through AmeriCorps.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I see myself as a medical student preparing to apply to residency programs.