Mina KimBack to Member List

Pronouns: she/her
Position Title: Diabetes Prevention Educator
Where are you from? I'm from Austin, Texas!
Why did you decide to join NHC?
I've always wanted to do a dedicated service year and NHC was a pretty great fit for my interests in healthcare and helping marginalized populations. I like how the program's organized and am excited to grow alongside my program colleagues.
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
I'm hoping to broaden my understanding of diabetes to a wider patient population through this service term. I really value hands on experience and I'm excited to see how much deeper my understanding and ability to navigate medicine can become through this.
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
I'm most looking forward to seeing the patient population I work with grow on this year long journey in their program! And hopefully me being able to deepen my impact on this population as I learn more about diabetes and Chicago health infrastructure.