Armaan MonshizadehBack to Member List

Hometown: Anaheim Hills, California
Educational background: B.S. in Biology from Loyola Marymount University
What is your title and role at your host site?
I will be serving as a Case Manager. My role includes one-on-one case management with formerly homeless low-risk clients to help these clients remain in their new homes with the same or improved quality of life. I will help clients obtain access to a healthcare provider, transportation, childcare, and other benefits. I will also provide wellness education and counseling follow-up. I plan to set up different events such as health fairs and classes and create educational materials. I will provide clients education about COVID-19. I will be in charge of managing a dormitory program in which volunteers provide community service in Jacksonville as well as organizing events for these volunteers to provide service. My role also includes community outreach on services we provide such as clothing. I will represent Presbyterian Social Ministries (PSM) at community meetings and set up events so members become aware of available services.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program?
Throughout high school and college, I have always been interested in community service and civic engagement whether it is related to academics or extracurricular activities. While exploring gap year options, I heard about National Health Corps (NHC) through a lecture given at my school and did a little research to find out more about it. After reading about NHC I realized that working as a member of NHC was a perfect opportunity for me. Helping others has been my goal not only because it brings me great joy and fulfillment, but also because it provides a sense of meaning. My future career goal is to work in the healthcare system as a physician. I joined this program because I am seeking an opportunity that will offer more exposure to the medical field, allow me to continue my path of service work, and teach me how to communicate and connect with different people. I chose to serve in Florida because I have a personal connection to the state. I used to live in Gainesville, also in North Florida, for two and a half years, plus I have family living in Miami.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
I am hoping to gain a number of things from my year of service. Firstly, I hope to grow and improve my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Secondly, I hope to learn how to be more adaptable in different challenging situations. Lastly, I hope to better understand the American healthcare delivery system. Through my service work, I will learn the problems and hopefully, find solutions to improve the system. My goal is to make healthcare available to people from all backgrounds, cultures, and socioeconomic status.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
After AmeriCorps service, I plan to apply and attend medical school to fulfill my lifelong goal of becoming a physician. I also plan to take flying lessons which has been a dream of mine for many years.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
I envision myself finishing medical school and beginning my year of internship before residency.