Abraham HousiniBack to Member List

Position Title and Host Site:
Clinical Quality Associate for Livingston Community Health
Where are you from?
Merced, California
Why did you decide to join NHC?
Living in Merced County for the majority of my life, I know firsthand how much incredible potential my community has. Unfortunately, I am also acquainted with areas needing drastic attention: we are a critically underserved healthcare area and have poor literacy rates.
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
I am looking to increase my knowledge on how to best address various social determinants of health and gain experience as a healthcare ambassador for the various marginalized and minority groups located in the Central Valley - many of which include migrant workers and immigrants. I am passionate about reducing the stigma of Mental Health and want to learn how to empower others to take charge of their health!
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
I look forward to being of service to the patients at my host site and addressing any gaps in care to ensure they receive consistent quality care. I truly am honored to be a part of NHC and am so excited to collaborate with my fellow cohort at other host sites, as well as forge partnerships with other organizations aligned with our mission!
Educational Background:
Alumni of the University of California, Merced
What are your current plans for the future?
I aspire to pursue a career as a physician that will open a clinic and teaching farm in my hometown. I hope I can make a positive impact in my community!