Agency Overview

Serving Duval and Baker Counties, Hubbard House, a full-service certified domestic violence center, has answered more than 101,500 hotline calls and sheltered more than 42,900 survivors and their children in its life-saving and life-changing 44-year history. The agency’s impact can be measured in suffering spared, lives liberated and tragic deaths avoided right here in the local community. And, for most survivors, it all begins when they make a confidential connection with an advocate at the 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline, available by phone at (904) 354-3114,or by text at (904) 210-3698.

24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline

The Hotline is staffed by trained advocates who assess each caller’s needs. Some need immediate, safe and secure emergency shelter at the agency’s 116-bed facility as well as wrap-around services. Others don’t need shelter but benefit from the services offered through the Hubbard House Outreach Center, like relocation assistance, safety planning, counseling and group support. Still other callers, like concerned family members, need information and advice. In every instance, the Hubbard House team communicates a critical message to survivors and those who care for them: You are not alone.

How We Help Victims and Their Children

The victims and children who come to shelter are provided with warm beds, hot meals and personal amenities. Counseling and group support are made available to every sheltered family member, both adults and their children. Victims also receive services from a victim advocate who helps them to avail themselves of public resources and housing assistance. Services from a court advocate and job coach are also available. Shelter and services are always free to victims, and the goals are always the same: victim safety and empowerment.

Children receive special care at Hubbard House. In-shelter young ones are cared for in the agency’s Children's Therapeutic Learning Center and school-aged children study with certified teachers in small classes. In addition to providing counseling, group support and domestic violence prevention programs for in-shelter young people, Hubbard House provides services for children and teens at the Outreach Center and in the community.

Community-Based Intervention

Hubbard House advocates are embedded with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Children and Families. At JSO, an advocate and officer review domestic violence police reports every day. Victims judged to be in the greatest danger are proactively contacted and offered services. At DCF, the advocate supports caseworkers and families dealing with domestic violence. Additionally, Hubbard House maintains a speakers bureau.

Public Support

Each year, Hubbard House serves 5,000 domestic violence victims — adults and children — and receives generous support from the community. Nearly half of its support comes from caring and concerned individuals and organizations. This demonstrates that people trust the agency and its promise: Donated dollars are carefully managed and stay local, helping victims and their children. In all ways, the community embraces the agency's mission, “safety, empowerment and social change for victims of domestic violence.”

Thank you for your support as we work toward our vision, “Every Relationship Violence Free.”